Standard Operation Procedure - Centrifugal Pump Preventive MaintenanceENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: CENTRIFUGAL PUMP PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE I. Purpose: This procedure was established to provide guidelines for centrifugal pumps repair and preventive maintenance. II. Policy: This procedure covers the whole process of centrifugal pumps preventive maintenance and repair. III. Work Roles: A. It is the role of the Engineering and Maintenance Department Manager and EMD Supervisor to initiate effective preventive maintenance procedure for centrifugal pumps. B. It is the role of the Engineering and Maintenance Department Technician to perform preventive maintenance of centrifugal pumps. IV. Work Guides: A. Definition of Terms 1. EMD Technician – any authorized person assigned in EMD that is technically knowledgeable in conducting Preventive Maintenance. 2. Machine Operator - An individual who is qualified to operate the controls, machine or equipment, and is familiar with the effects of operation. 3. Energy Isolating Device - A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy, including, but not limited to, the following; a manually operated electrical circuit breaker, a disconnect switch, a manually operated switch and similar devices with a visible indication of the position of the device. (Push buttons, selector switches and other control-circuit type devices are not energy isolating devices) 4. Lock-out Device - A device that utilizes a lock and key to hold an energy-isolating device in the safe position and prevents a machine or equipment from being energized 5. Tag-out Device - A prominent warning device, such as tag, that can be securely attached to equipment or machinery for the purpose of warning personnel not to operate an energy isolating device and identifying the applier or authority that has control of the procedure. Example, a come-a-long being used to hold a component in a locked or safe position would be tagged to identify it as an energy control device and not to be removed except by the person who installed it originally. 6. Motor– Electrically energized device having a high-speed rotating element that drives another mechanical device. 7. Centrifugal Pump – A device that drives or transports fluids by utilized kinetic energy on its high-speed rotating impeller. B. Procedure Details Important: Before making any activities ensure that the machine has been locked-out and installs precautionary warning sign or tag-out device to energy-isolating device of a machine or equipment on which preventive maintenance is being performed. Notify affected employees and machine operators that a lock-out or tag-out system is going to be utilized and the reason therefore. 1. Pulling out the Motor Note: Before making any attempt, ensure that Lock-Out/Tag-Out system has been applied; isolating circuit breakers and magnetic contactors at panel board. a. Remove coupling cover, if required. b. Loosen coupling nut setscrews c. Remove all fixing bolts on the base plate that holds the motor. d. Pull-out the motor straightly aligned away from the pump. 2. Pulling out the Pump Note: Before making any attempt, ensure that Lock-Out/Tag-Out system has been applied; isolating valves and gate valves must be securely shut-off or closed. a. Remove all the bolts that hold the pump on the base plate. b. Loosen and remove all the bolts on suction and discharge flanges. c. Pull out the pump assembly. 3. Disassembling the Pump a. Loosen and remove all the bolts from volute, then pull out the volute cover. b. Remove the impeller lock-nut. c. Pull out the impeller using puller if necessary. d. Remove flange coupling, use puller if necessary. e. Remove mechanical seal. Be sure to measure first the correct distance of mechanical seal from the other end of the shaft before pulling it out. Note: Ensure that lubricants (e.g. grease, oil) are removed before removing casing. f. Remove the bolts on the casing covers. g. Pull the shaft with bearings from the housing. Note: Extra care must be applied during dismantling and fitting of mechanical seal. 4. Pull out the bearing from the Shaft a. Pull out the bearing using bearing Puller. 5. Inspection and Repair a. Check the condition of the bearings. Worn-out and damaged bearings must be replaced. b. Check the physical appearance of the shaft seals and oil seals and proper bearing fitness to the shaft and to the housing. c. Damaged mechanical seals and oil seal must be replaced. 6. Recondition/Replacement of Parts a. If there is no defective part, if necessary, EMD Technician shall perform the reconditioning or refurbishing of the parts/components of the pump. b. Thorough evaluation of the parts or components is needed to conclude whether it can be reconditioned, or be replaced by a new one. c. EMD Technician shall re-install the refurbished/reconditioned parts/components as it was dismantled. Note: Refurbishing and reconditioning shall be done with extra care some parts or components are delicate, fragile and sensitive to dirt. 7. Obtain Spare/Parts Procurement a. If there is a defective part, EMD Technician shall give the defective parts/components to the EMD Supervisor and EMD Supervisor should check Spare Parts Stock Room for the availability of the said parts/components. b. If spare is not available at Stock Room, perform Purchasing of Spare Parts procedure. c. As soon as the components/parts are available, the EMD Technician shall perform the installation/fitting of components/parts. Installation shall be done carefully, because some components/parts are miniature, delicate, fragile and sensitive to dirt. d. EMD Technician shall install/fit the new one as it dismantled. 8. Assembling the Pump a. Install bearings and oil seals on the shaft. b. Install the shaft on the housing. c. Put front and back covers and tighten the bolts. d. Install mechanical seal on correct distance from the other end of the shaft. e. Install flange coupling on the other end. f. Install the impeller then put and tighten impeller lock-nut. g. Install the suction volute housing, then put and tighten the bolts. 9. Installalling the Pump a. Place and tighten all the bolts that hold the pump on the base plate. 10. Drive Motor Installation and Alignment a. Position the motor on the base plate with its shaft and flange coupling linearly aligned with the pump's shaft and flange coupling. b. Slide the motor forward to the pump to connect their flange couplings and shafts. c. Align pump and motor. Check radial and linear alignments, by using dial indicator. Adjust the motor position if necessary to attain proper alignment. d. Put and tighten coupling setscrew e. Put and tighten all fixing bolts on the base plate that holds the motor. f. Apply grease and oil lubricants. 11. Test run a. Energize and proceed to testing 12. Turn Over to Operations Supervisor After passing the test run, the machine/equipment shall be turned-over to the Department Supervisor or Operator. a. The EMD Technician assigned to the job shall do the turn-over to the Department Supervisor or Operator after passing the test run and PM jobs. Turn-over shall include explanation of proper operating/use of the machine. 13. Centrifugal pump PM Checklist Record shall be accomplished after the PM Job is done. a. The EMD Technician shall submit the accomplished Pump PM Checklist Form to the EMD Supervisor; the form shall contain the activities done, findings, observations and recommendations. b. The EMD Supervisor shall keep the accomplished PM Checklist Form on the Equipment Records. V. REVIEW GUIDE This procedure shall be evaluated every six (6) months on the first year of implementation and every year after its first year of evaluation. VI. REVISION GUIDE Revision must be done periodically or as necessary. VII. REVIEWER This procedure shall be reviewed by the EMD Supervisor and EMD Manager and approved by Top Management. VIII. ATTACHMENTS Centrifugal Pump Preventive Maintenance sheet |
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