The MC/MC-C Programme: and Engine Power,conversion between kW and metric horsepower,

The MC/MC-C Programme:
The MAN Diesel two-stroke MC/MC-C engines are characterised by having mechanically-driven camshaft-controlled timing of fuel injection, exhaust 
valves and starting air valves, of which only the fuel injection timing can be 
adjusted while the engine is running if VIT fuel pumps are applied.
As standard, the MC/MC-C engines are specified with MAN B&W Alpha Cylinder Lubricators. Alternatively, mechanical cylinder lubricators driven by the 
engine may be installed.

Engine Power
The engine brake power is stated in kW. For conversion between kW and 
metric horsepower, please note that 1 bhp = 75 kpm/s = 0.7355 kW.
The powers in the tables are available up to tropical conditions at sea level, i.e.:
• Blower inlet temperature 45 °C
• Blower inlet pressure 1,000 mbar
• Seawater temperature 32 °C 

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