Instructions to Examiners.DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SHIPPING

The matter of candidates undergoing a near pass or near fail situation during examination of theoretical papers such as Engineering Knowledge, Motor, etc. has been considered at this Directorate and the following instructions are given regarding assessment of such candidates' papers for final evaluation:

(1) If the candidate fails by 2 or 1 marks in a particular subject i.e. scoring 48 or 49 out of 50, then the matter may be referred to the Examiner of Engineers, who may use his discretion to award grace marks of 2 or 1 as the case may be to enable pass the candidate.

(2) If the candidate scores 45, 46 or 47 marks in the individual subjects, then the paper must be re-evaluated by the same examiner and in case of no change of marks the case must be referred to another Examiner by the Examiner of Engineers, who shall re-evaluate the paper and put up to the Examiner of Engineers for his final decision. If the Examiner of Engineer is satisfied with the re-evaluation, he may declare the candidate passed or failed, but shall delegate the lowest marks of the 3 subjects i.e. 45 marks to the candidate. However, all efforts must be made to justify this action and such cases should be clearly mentioned in a separate sheet for the candidate under the new examination rules (1998) and under EXN 15R for candidates under the old examination rules (1989). All benefit of doubts must be given to the candidate to ensure that the results are not contrary to the candidate's performance.

(3) The Examiner of Engineers can justify the candidate's performance by the results shown in the other papers, which the Examiner of Engineers is privy to.

(4) The Examiner of Engineers however, has full authority to refer such cases to the Directorate for final evaluation in case of exceptional circumstances where no clear decision can be taken on the candidate's performance.

These instructions are to ensure that no candidate is failed for lack of expertise by the examiner rather than the performance of the candidate.


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