Examination System for Marine Engineer Officers as per STCW 78 as amended in 2010.

Examination System for Marine Engineer Officers as per STCW 78 as amended in 2010. 

 Following procedures are required to be followed for implementation of the STCW 78 and the 1995 Code
  as amended in 2010

2.1    After 1st October 2012, all grades of Engineering Competency examinations under the existing system
  shall be discontinued

2.2    Examinations as per the revised curriculum based on STCW 2010 for Marine Engineer Officer Class IV
  & Marine Engineer Officer Class II shall commence from 1st October 2012 & for Marine Engineer Officer
  Class I from 1st August 2012.

 Preparatory courses for the new examinations will commence from 1st June 2012 as detailed below:




MEO Class IV

To be decided suitably

October  2012

MEO Class II

June 2012

October  2012

MEO Class I

June 2012

August  2012

2.3   Any candidate who is successful, in a part of the written or oral examination held till 30th September
 2012 for Marine Engineer Officer Classes IV and II, and till 31st July 2012 for Marine Engineer Officer
 Class I examinations under the existing system shall be required to do the up-gradation course as
 detailed in STCW 2010, Training circular no. 2 of 2012, dated 12.01.2012. The candidate will then be
 given credit for the subjects in which he has already passed and be allowed to appear for the remaining
 functions under the STCW 2010 examination system. However, the assessment of the new
 competencies due to the implementation of
amendments of STCW 2010 will be carried out by the
 institutes conducting the relevant up-gradation course.


2.4  Directorate General of Shipping approved training institutes, conducting preparatory courses are required
 to take necessary measures to ensure that the preparatory courses for Marine Engineer Officers
 Examinations have been upgraded and commenced from 1st June 2012.


2.5  Every candidate who has either passed in an examination under the STCW 2010 or has upgraded his certificate issued under the existing system into that, under the STCW 2010 at the levels of MEO Classes IV and II, shall have his EXN-45 booklet endorsed to the effect, so that he may appear for the next higher grade of examination under the STCW 2010. Such an 'EXN-45' has to be produced by the candidate every-time he appears for the next higher grade of examination.


2.5.1 Candidates appearing for MEO Class IV CoC as per the existing certification scheme under STCW 1978 as amended in 1995, need to do a six days up-gradation course. This upgradation course needs to be completed prior the oral examination.


2.5.2 Candidates holding MEO Class IV CoC under STCW 1978 as amended in 1995, who have undergone MEO Class II preparatory course will be required to do an eleven day up-gradation course. This upgradation course needs to be completed prior the oral examination.

2.5.3 Candidates holding MEO Class II CoC under STCW 1978 as amended in 1995, who have undergone MEO Class I Preparatory Course are also required to do an eleven day up-gradation course. This upgradation course needs to be completed prior the oral examination.


2.6    Candidates are required to have qualifying sea service requirements as per STCW 2010 Training Circular No. 14 of 2012, dated 13.02.2012.


2.7  Marine Engineer Officer Class I, Class II or Class IV and possessing Certificate of Competency issued under the STCW 1978 as amended in 1995 are eligible to upgrade their Certificate of Competency for complying with STCW 2010. Refer STCW 2010 Training Circular No. 02 of 2012, dated 12.01.2012.


3.         New Entrants - Transitional period: 

Even though the new amendments require candidates starting their Pre-Sea courses from 1st July 2013 to conform to the new amendments, this administration has implemented as a proactive measure, that candidates starting their Pre-Sea training course after 1st July 2012 will pursue the courses, only wherein amendments to the Manila Convention 2010 have been incorporated. Candidates starting their Pre-Sea Course before 1st July 2012 will be required to do the up-gradation course as applicable, if the amendments have not been incorporated in their Pre-Sea courses.  

4.       This issues with the approval of the Director General of Shipping and ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India, under the powers conferred in the Chapter IX Rule 47 of Merchant Shipping (Standards of Certification & watch - keeping for Seafarers) Rules, 1998. 


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