Training at HIMT when i went for Advanced Courses for my class iv.

It's My own experience at the HIMT chennai in my training for class iv exams.


You will be attending for the 2 days of the theory and the other day going to kalpakam for the practicals.

At kalpakam its very good explanation by the faculty over there. Especially Mr.Muttu swamy and so on.

They shared all the experience with the coming batches and there are perfect in there fields of respective explanation.

You will learn the how to carry an casualty away from the hazardous place and different types of carrying the casualty when you are alone and more persons.

Next we will be entering in to the real smoke compartment  and the usage of the scaba and searching for casualty and bringing him through the escape route.

Next comes the command and party teams where to restrict the fire in the compartment and taking necessary steps in order not to spread the fire more.

And the last is the using the portable extinguishers on the real fire and we will be using all the extinguishers to put off the different fires.


This makes complete the practical's of the Advanced Fire Fighting.

In the last day you will be having an small exam and need to clear the exam and at last the issuing of the certificate.



Well this I found to be one of the best among all the courses which I did. Here comes an Dr…….. And he is so good in making us understand that you will get the thorough knowledge of what to do and when. Even if you come with many questionnaires he says most welcome and if he knows the answer he will give it if not he will find it and say.

I like the fact of that bcoz no one can remember everything all the time. But accepting the truth and saying I will find it and say you that sounds very good.

His explanation on 80% of the concept is very good and next comes another Dr….. Who is excellent in putting his experience in words.

At last it too completes with an exam and certificate.



This is most cool system which makes you to put your efforts in finding and tracing all the lines to start the entire system. I was little bit sad at last as Mr.Janaka didn't come for the rest of the days. He said that he will ask some oral questions which making the recovery of the system.

But in the last day Mr.Shekar has come and who is more practical about everything. He asked very few and simple questions and I just got the idea how surveyors  ask the orals and what they expect from an engineer. In the last I come to know is that he is the surveyor who gave me the Part A exemption. I was surprised to see him and I was happy.



This we had two days practical one is done at the kalapakam ie launching of the life boat and rescue boat and paddling it. The other is the swimming at the YMCA swimming pool.

At ymca the only one thing which I was not happy is the life raft as it is already inflated and filled the hot gas. Rest of all the things are very good the explanation part and making us understand about the life raft everything is very good.


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